Heute morgen hat mir Cosimo einen neuen Sketch geschickt. Wieder einmal hat der mich förmlich umgehauen.
Hier ist mein Kommentar dazu:
»Aaawesome! You couldn´t envision a different composition because it´s the best someone can make, it´s just a blast.
I liked all of the sketches, it´s a tough decision which path to take.
Some thoughts:
– I like the two lower faces better. The lower right is my favourite.
– The upper left is very expressive but the upper right is more mysterious. I would go for the blue option. (In the book it´s at dawn. The sun did already set, but some light is still there. With that kind of blue you used it´s working good for this. I like the Gotham City touch ;))
– I asked some guys and they all freaked out. There are different opinions, but the upper right seems to be the winner in this close battle
– BUT: One girl (that knows the book) is right: It would help the painting and the book to have the Kalaschnikow a little bit more visable. (Like in the other three.)
Maybe it´s crazy but I would take the upper right as basis, take the weapon and hand from up left and the face from down right. She don´t need to have the eyes open. She can even „sleep“ over the kalaschnikow with fingers tapping on the trigger, almost dissolved in pain. That would be even better, that´s how it is in the book.
And one last remark:
One good thing of the painting up right is, that the man conducting the machine bird is easier to see. But to me he looks like someone riding a bicycle. He should maybe stand more upright in a more „powerful“ position and maybe you can give a small hint, that he´s orchestrating the big explosion in the Himmelshäuser. Maybe by using sweeps like in down right.
If that´s too crazy, let your hand guide you through, it will be brilliant anyways. Looking forward to it very much!«
Übrigens geht es nun tatsächlich auf die Zielgerade. Die Veröffentlichung ist weiterhin für November geplant, langsam wird es Zeit für Marketinggedanken. Ich halte Euch auf dem Laufendem.
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